It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of former President, Stephen M. Robbins.
Steve began serving on the board in 1980 and became President in 1984. While President, he oversaw our move from Jones Hall to The Wortham Center, our award-winning trips to The International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival, ran our box office, stuffed mailer envelopes, and anything else he was asked to do.
When he stepped down as President in 2017, I was honored to be elected as his successor. He continued to be a major part of the Board of Directors as well as our Foundation Board and did so with incredible enthusiasm.
Steve has been in my life as long as I can remember. “Uncle Steve” was a great role model, mentor, advisor, and historian both in the G&S world and in life. I always knew where to turn with a question and at the end of our conversations I eagerly awaited the “mighty fine” that would be used as a closing. I will always cherish his years of support and wisdom and rest well knowing that he is now with Barbara.
We will miss him dearly but celebrate the glad memories we have of our time together.
Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, dayan ha-emet.
Steven B. McCary
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Houston